Stateline Bean

Friday, September 30, 2011





Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ok, so today was another great day!  I got to take a little bit of time to go visit with our Board President, Mr. Jerry Mackie in the Gering Valley.  Believe it or not, he let me drive the combine!  I'm pretty sure the neighbors will be able to see exactly where I drove....the lines are a little wavy, but the beans made it into the hopper!  It was beautiful!  We could see the Monument ahead and beautiful white beans settling into the back of the combine.  Thank you Jerry!  :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Both of our facilities, Bridgeport and Gering, are located on the railroad for easy access to rail transportation for our end markets.  We ship beans all over and this logistic makes it very convenient.

Monday, September 26, 2011


As the newspaper reminded us the other day, there are alot of semis out on the roads right now between beans and beets.  Be careful driving!  It takes all of us to have a safe harvest.  Today, is the first day of early sugar beet harvest.  Fall is progressing and we are only a few days away from October already.  It seems to be going very fast!  It feels like just yesterday when I started here working here with the seed orders and now the beans are rolling in!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Beautiful Day!

Well, we have had quite a few trucks come in today and we are expecting some more!  John cooked hamburgers and brats for us this afternoon.  I was impressed, I must say.  The grilled onions were delicious!  I hope everyone is having a safe and happy bean harvest!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Harvest Time

We had some trucks today lined up to dump.  Harvest is here!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Harvest Dinner

Come join us for a hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad, and stuffed peppers prepared by Chef Courtney.

More Tour Pictures....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It is such a beautiful crisp fall morning.  Absolutely gorgeous.  I took a walk down to Tim's East Mill to have a look around.  I send trucks down there all the time and I don't even know the setup.  I feel much better about it now, knowing the setup down there.  On my walk over there, I took tons of pictures that I would like to share with you.  For those of you that might not be local to Western Nebraska, I hope these give you a feel for our rural setting here.  It is a great place to live and work and it has alot of things to offer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Evening

Last night I got home just in time to see the sun setting behind the National Monument.  I took this picture over the field that I have been watching grow all season long.  The Maser's were out combining late Monday night and finished up on Tuesday.  They were really good looking Pintos.  What a great way to finish off this field with a beautiful sunset.


Good Morning All,

I bet everyone is out in the field today trying to get those beans in.  Hopefully, they didn't blow too bad last night.  That wind was howling so hard that it woke me up about midnight.  It's still a bit breezy this morning.

We have already had five trucks here in Gering this morning!  I am learning very quickly how this whole harvest thing works!  I am really enjoying it!  My main job is sampling trucks with Dave and dispatching trucks to the field where they can be loaded and then haul into the elevator.  My goal is to not make the combine driver wait but also not make the semi driver's wait either.  I am getting it and with the help of the growers and the truckers, we are all working together to get those beans into the elevator!  Please let me know if you need anything....(308) 225.2362. 

 Have a safe harvest!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


We had two trucks come in and dump today.  I thought this was a pretty neat way to dump, you don't see this that often.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Direct Harvesting

Hi All~I talked to one of our board members and he would like to extend the offer for anyone who is interested.  He uses the direct harvest method and does not mind an audience sometime when you have a minute.  So, if you have been wondering about this process or may be even considering it for your farm, please contact me and I will get a time and place arranged.  You can contact me at the office at (308) 436.2186 or on my cell at (308) 225.2362.  Looking forward to seeing this process myself.  Check out the video below for a visual!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rainy Day

Well, the weather came in late yesterday afternoon and is still hanging around today.  Looks like the temperature only got up to 49 degrees today!  A little chill in the air...must be football season!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Check out the roots on this bean plant!  Dave found this plan by Winter Creek Lake on September 10th, 2011.  It is a Medicine Hat variety Pinto that was planted on June 4th, 2011.  Dave spent 30 minutes carefully digging up the root system.  If you can see, the red marks are each 1 foot apart.  The whole root system on this plant is almost 31 inches!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Spy....


We had a great day today!  Lots of loads into Bridgeport and Gering!  We also had a little visitor that was posing for the camera.  This praying mantis was just hanging out watching everything going on.  He popped up when Courtney was watering the flowers, wondering what was going on.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My First Truck

The running trend, so far, has been that I am always out when trucks come in.  When we are between trucks, they joke that I should leave so we will get trucks coming in!  :)  I have missed all the trucks up until 5 p.m. on Sunday evening, when my first truck rolled in.  With the help of Dave, I did a scale ticket and helped grade the beans.  I really like this picture because it is going to be such a familiar scene in the upcoming weeks.  Hopefully, everyday is just as beautiful as yesterday was.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th Memorial

In honor of all those involved in September 11th, 2001, we remember.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Flats Farms Test Plot HARVESTED

The beans were cut on Tuesday of this week up at the Hemingford test plot on Flats.  Dave went up to help Flats and UNL harvest the plot yesterday.  Overall, they were very pleased with the yields, especially the La Paz and the 6203 Sinaloa Pinto varieties.  Flats had 2 combines running at the same time which helped it go faster.  Check back for the results later this fall.  (Photos courtesy of Dave Dietrich, 2011).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It's a beautiful day!  I started off my day with an awesome bike ride in the nice steady rain.  It was such a wonderful feeling to be able to get out this morning.  You can definitely tell fall is coming, the days are getting shorter.  The beans are turning!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Coyne Tour Successful

We had a great day!  We met this morning at 8:30 am over on Sunflower Oil Road and Experimental Farm Road.  We saw several Coyne fields belonging to our growers.  The overall excitement for Coyne was shared among all present, including Carlos Urrea.  We had Randy Mattson from Treasure Valley Seed present.  His company has the seed available and assures us that there will be no problems getting seed this year.  Everything is looking good on his end.  The day was topped off by several interviews by Miss Leslie Smith from K.N.E.B.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Harvest is Coming

We had our first load of beans come in yesterday from Banner County!  I am excited about this time of year to see all the different ways harvesting the beans!  I'm up for a ride in a combine if I can get away!

I saw this doe (right above the post) walking
through a bean field.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bayard Test Plot Tour

We had a GREAT turn out today!  We had over 40 people attend out test plot tour and luncheon.  It was a great day for it and I feel like it went really well.  I just want to thank everyone for coming out and also Chimney Rock Golf Course for lunch and Henkel's for doing the test plot!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Wow, it is hard to believe that it is the first day of September today.  Fall is here and harvest is about to begin!  I am headed out to Bayard for our test plot tour today....I will take pictures to post tomorrow!  Have a great day!