Stateline Bean

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Experiences So Far

On Monday June 6th, 2011 I went out to help put in my first dry edible bean test plot.  We worked with Carlos, John, and Fred from the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research Station at Flats Farms.  Their farm is up in the Hay Springs area.  It was a great first experience because we had a really nice day and nice people to work with.  Currently, we are testing 10 different pinto varieties in 4 different replications. 

Jay was driving the tractor with a 12 row planter, running around 6.6 m.p.h.  We would load Jay’s planter up with seed and he would go out and plant 4 replications using his GPS.  When he got back to the pickup and trailer, we would carefully vacuum out each and every seed box to be sure that we did not mix the seeds, for more accurate results.  While a couple of us were doing this, the others were opening up the seed bags and spreading them evenly over all the boxes.  With the good weather and teamwork, we were finished in around 4 ½ hours.

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