Stateline Bean

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sugar Factory Tour

I must say that I was fascinated by the factory tour last night.  I drive by it almost everyday and there are so many more steps that the beets go through before they become sugar than I initially thought.  We learned about each step and what is produced at each one.  Then we got to view, in action, each step.  I was amazed by all of the computer sensors in the factory that are constantly being monitored for any problems.  A simple click on the computer and things can be slowed down or stopped to prevent furthering the problem.

A view of the Monument from on top of the factory.
We toured and then had a very nice meal that was donated from several local businesses.  The tour fee will go towards scholarships that the sugar factory awards.  Thank you for a great opportunity to share what you do, with the community.  It was really neat because there were a couple of ladies there that had worked in the office of a sugar factory way back when and they were just elated to get to tour.  They said that everyone in the community should get the opportunity to go.

Moon picture next to the huge bins.
What I am going to start looking for in the stores are sugar (brown, powdered, or white) that has a lot number that begins with the letter "F."  This "F" I learned last night, means that sugar was made at the Scottsbluff Factory.  :)

Stateline Crew
I was so happy to see several of our Stateline growers at this tour last night.  Hillside Farms and Rein Family Ag are in this picture with me.  I also met one of our grower-members for the first time last night too (not pictured).

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