Stateline Bean

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm Back!

Ok, so, I owe you all a big update on what's going on around here!  Hmmm...let's see where I left about we start with Bean Day on Tuesday, August 23, 2011.  John, Courtney, and I all headed up to the Mitchell Ag Lab for the Dry Bean Field Tour, where we met up with Dave.  When we got there, they had the garage all cleaned up and people were gathered around talking over donuts and coffee.  There were growers, spray companies, beaneries, and researchers all present.  It was neat because I had met so many of these people over at the Bean School the previous week.  It feels great to see familiar smiling faces.  This day was presented by the Nebraska Dry Bean Growers Association and the UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center.

They loaded us up on the Farmer's Limousine and after the  introduction, off we went to the field.  They showed us alot of research projects they had going on, stopping at each and giving a small presentation.  Some of the topics included:  bean breeding, insect resistance, pre- and post-emergence herbicides, screening for resistance to rust and white mold, fertilizer management for no-till with limited irrigation, iron chelate on high pH soils, planting dates/populations, effect of defoliation on dry beans, and copper applications.  It was great to see alot of our growers out learning with us.  

We concluded the tour with lunch back at the
Panhandle Research Station.
Great fellowship with the people of the Western Nebraska bean industry, what a pleasure.  Mark your calendars because Bean Day 2012 is already scheduled for January 10th at the Gering Civic Center.

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